Meme Time
I had been noticing this tagging thing for some time. Thought I was lucky so far. And now that most of the bloggers I read have already been tagged, I suddenly find myself tagged by NYPC!
So, here I go:
10 Years ago today:
Working as a front line supervisor in a Cement Plant construction Project in Madhya Pradesh, Central India. Counting my savings, looking for a suitable bride, drinking like a fish, smoking like a locomotive, dreaming like a tycoon.
5 Years ago today:
Married, daughter 1 year old. Working as officer-in-charge for a belt conveying system construction / installation / commissioning package in a major Steel Plant in Karnataka, South India. Proud owner of a sleek mobike. Living in sprawling independent single storey house with garden – on rent, of course.
1 Year ago today:
Located in Kolkata in eastern India in transit to Bangladesh. Staying in a hotel room for 40 days with family and 4 suitcases of baggage. All furniture and belongings generated over the years either packed off to a dingy moist dark room in in-laws palatial bangalow, or sold off dirt cheap. The mobike and car included in the latter list.
Achieved energisation of Main Panels for my current project. Intend to blog the incident as it was a milestone. Also, it was Independence Day in India. Sadly not celebrated here in Bangladesh.
Will be same as any other day. Already blogged the details in a recent post.
Snacks I enjoy:
1. Potato Chips (or any other chips will do)
2. Fish Chops / fries (The way only she prepares it)
3. Onion Pakoras, Samosas and Jalebees
4. All sorts of biscuits with black tea.
5. Chaats, Pani Puris, Bhel / Batata Puris
Bands that I know the Lyrics to Most of Their Songs:
1. Kishore Kumar
2. Manna Dey
3. Md. Rafi
4. Stevie Wonder
5. Cliff Richard
5 Things I would do with $100,000,000:
1. Donate half of it to charity – especially for upbringing and education of poor children in third world nations.
2. Buy 2 spacious bungalows. One in the Himalayan valley near Kathmandu in Nepal. The other overlooking the sea near Goa.
3. Deposit most of the rest into a bank and live off the interest.
4. Undertake a year long journey around the world in style and comfort.
5. Leave behind enough for our daughter in case she desires to go to the moon.
Locations I would Love to Run Away To:
1. US
2. UK
3. Switzerland
4. India
5. Hawaii
Bad Habits I have:
1. Short Temper
2. Procrastination
3. Extravagance in money matters
4. No future planning (too happy-go-lucky)
5. Poor Health conscienceness
5 Things I like doing:
1. Chatting
2. Laughing
3. Sleeping
4. Spending time with family
5. Day dreaming
5 Things I would Never Wear:
1. Womens clothes
2. Body hugging shirts
3. Lycra
4. Anything in Red
5. Anything Freddie Mercury ever wore
TV Shows I like:
1. Any sports channel
2. Any musical channel
3. Anything on Discovery
4. Any cartoon show
5. All Comedies
5 Movies I like:
1. Anything with Action
2. Anything with Laughter
3. Anything with a bit of theme
4. ‘First Blood’
5. ‘It’s a Mad Mad Mad World’
5 Famous People I would like to meet:
1. Amitabh Bachchan
2. Sylvester Stallone
3. Maradona
4. Abdul Kalam
5. Nelson Mandela
5 Biggest Joys at the Moment:
1. Watching my daughter grow.
2. Deepening dependence and understanding as the marriage matures.
3. Possibility of buying my own apartment at last!
4. Dollars from a foreign land job posting.
5. Successfully executing a challenging project.
5 Favorite Toys:
1. (CENSORED) ;-)
2. My Mobile
3. My PC
4. My Mobike & Car (before I sold them)
5. My Kid
People to Tag:
Whoever reads this post and hasn't been tagged before!!
So, here I go:
10 Years ago today:
Working as a front line supervisor in a Cement Plant construction Project in Madhya Pradesh, Central India. Counting my savings, looking for a suitable bride, drinking like a fish, smoking like a locomotive, dreaming like a tycoon.
5 Years ago today:
Married, daughter 1 year old. Working as officer-in-charge for a belt conveying system construction / installation / commissioning package in a major Steel Plant in Karnataka, South India. Proud owner of a sleek mobike. Living in sprawling independent single storey house with garden – on rent, of course.
1 Year ago today:
Located in Kolkata in eastern India in transit to Bangladesh. Staying in a hotel room for 40 days with family and 4 suitcases of baggage. All furniture and belongings generated over the years either packed off to a dingy moist dark room in in-laws palatial bangalow, or sold off dirt cheap. The mobike and car included in the latter list.
Achieved energisation of Main Panels for my current project. Intend to blog the incident as it was a milestone. Also, it was Independence Day in India. Sadly not celebrated here in Bangladesh.
Will be same as any other day. Already blogged the details in a recent post.
Snacks I enjoy:
1. Potato Chips (or any other chips will do)
2. Fish Chops / fries (The way only she prepares it)
3. Onion Pakoras, Samosas and Jalebees
4. All sorts of biscuits with black tea.
5. Chaats, Pani Puris, Bhel / Batata Puris
Bands that I know the Lyrics to Most of Their Songs:
1. Kishore Kumar
2. Manna Dey
3. Md. Rafi
4. Stevie Wonder
5. Cliff Richard
5 Things I would do with $100,000,000:
1. Donate half of it to charity – especially for upbringing and education of poor children in third world nations.
2. Buy 2 spacious bungalows. One in the Himalayan valley near Kathmandu in Nepal. The other overlooking the sea near Goa.
3. Deposit most of the rest into a bank and live off the interest.
4. Undertake a year long journey around the world in style and comfort.
5. Leave behind enough for our daughter in case she desires to go to the moon.
Locations I would Love to Run Away To:
1. US
2. UK
3. Switzerland
4. India
5. Hawaii
Bad Habits I have:
1. Short Temper
2. Procrastination
3. Extravagance in money matters
4. No future planning (too happy-go-lucky)
5. Poor Health conscienceness
5 Things I like doing:
1. Chatting
2. Laughing
3. Sleeping
4. Spending time with family
5. Day dreaming
5 Things I would Never Wear:
1. Womens clothes
2. Body hugging shirts
3. Lycra
4. Anything in Red
5. Anything Freddie Mercury ever wore
TV Shows I like:
1. Any sports channel
2. Any musical channel
3. Anything on Discovery
4. Any cartoon show
5. All Comedies
5 Movies I like:
1. Anything with Action
2. Anything with Laughter
3. Anything with a bit of theme
4. ‘First Blood’
5. ‘It’s a Mad Mad Mad World’
5 Famous People I would like to meet:
1. Amitabh Bachchan
2. Sylvester Stallone
3. Maradona
4. Abdul Kalam
5. Nelson Mandela
5 Biggest Joys at the Moment:
1. Watching my daughter grow.
2. Deepening dependence and understanding as the marriage matures.
3. Possibility of buying my own apartment at last!
4. Dollars from a foreign land job posting.
5. Successfully executing a challenging project.
5 Favorite Toys:
1. (CENSORED) ;-)
2. My Mobile
3. My PC
4. My Mobike & Car (before I sold them)
5. My Kid
People to Tag:
Whoever reads this post and hasn't been tagged before!!
Excellent! Thanks!
I wonder if any of the foods you mentioned are tasty. See, now I'm hungry for Indian food... YUMMY! :)
Anonymous, at 17/8/05 05:14
Hello ... it's been a long while since I've visited again. So sorry... I loved your Meme here. If I had more posting time, I'd jump on the bandwagon and do the same.
Stay well and happy, my friend.
Weary Hag, at 18/8/05 15:45
Thank You!
Ask any Indian and they will have immense difficulty in explaining the taste of these snacks to you.
-'Coz they will have difficulty talking with a watering mouth ;-)
ShaanCho, at 18/8/05 15:47
My previous comment was for NYPC. Carol, I think we posted comments simultaneously. Thanks for dropping by.
ShaanCho, at 18/8/05 15:51
I thought you had stopped blogging. I, too, took a long break in the late summer for several wks. I'm glad I checked my stat meter this morning on my Silken Threads blog and saw you had come by. (It's no problem with me if there is no comment left. I'm just glad you visited! :).
I've been rebuilding my crashed blogroll, so seeing my links on your blogroll reminded me of another person to add back to my list!
Interesting meme. Love your sense of humor... ;)
You look very happy in recent posts and again I love your recent photos of Nov. :)
Gel, at 10/11/05 22:11
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